Conversation in heaven
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Conversation in heaven

Abd Mubarak was on his way to Mecca when one night he dreamed that he was in heaven and heard two angels having a conversation.

?How many pilgrims came to the holy city this year?? one of them asked.

?Six hundred thousand?, answered the other.

?And how many of them had their pilgrimage accepted??

?None of them. However, in Baghdad there is a shoemaker called Ali Mufiq who did not make the pilgrimage, but did have his pilgrimage accepted, and his graces benefited the 600,000 pilgrims?.

When he woke up, Abd Mubarak went to Mufiq?s shoe shop and told him his dream.

?At great cost and much sacrifice, I finally managed to get 350 coins together?, the shoemaker said in tears. ?But then, when I was ready to go to Mecca I discovered that my neighbors were hungry, so I distributed the money among them and gave up my pilgrimage?.


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