Frases da Semana.
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Frases da Semana.

"Focus 5% on the mistake and 95% on learning from it." - Joe Martin

"Every year, millions of students are graduating with a diplomas, but not receiving an education." - Joe Martin

"As always, teach with passion!" - Joe Martin

"Amplie sua leitura para além da obra."

"Um bom livro só pode ser sugerido para um aluno, depois que o professor conhece bem o ritmo e a dificuldade dele."

Bom final de semana!


- The Blockage Moment
" Every time you have a blockage Keep the calm and carry on" Muitos dos alunos que me procuram para ter aulas de inglês já chegam com bloqueios lingüísticos que atrasaram seus processos e retardam os seus avanços. Difícil saber em que momento...

- Believe In What You Teach
By Professor Joe Martin As teachers, we know all too well how tough it is to get (or keep) our energy level up to teach students who sometimes don?t want to learn. I?ve even heard students describe us (teachers) as being ?just a speed bump to a grade.?...

- Don?t Get Teacher Amnesia
By Professor Joe Martin Maybe it?s just me, but does it seem like teaching can speed up the aging process sometimes? When people watch me interact with students, they typically ask, ?How old are you?? My response is usually, do you want my age in years...

- You Get What You Focus On
by Joe A. Martin, Ed.D. Here?s some food for thought. If you want results, walk any problem you?re having through this scenario for better answers: Focus 5% on what you fear and 95% on getting educated and skilled to face it. Focus 5% on the problem...

- Getting Students To Commit To Learning
By Joe Martim I think one of the most tragic things to witness as a teacher is to see a student spend several years in school, only to ?scratch? the surface of his or her potential. Every year, millions of students are graduating with a diplomas,...

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