Like a Captain and a Pirate
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Like a Captain and a Pirate


- The Captain Of My Soul
"Enter silently and listen to the Kingdon of the Words,  it will give you the language you want to speak"   Entre silenciosamente no estudo de uma língua estrangeira para conseguir dominar esse mar turbulento que é um idioma estrangeiro;...

- Happy 90th Birthday, Stan Lee!
The man, the myth, the legend! Stan Lee turns 90 today. Join us in wishing a very happy birthday to a man who was the major creative force behind some of the world's most endearing and timeless literary characters of all-time. Read more at ...

- Cursing And Swearing (slangs)
Q: What's the feminine version of womanizer? A: Maneater is the female equivalent to  male-associated word like womanizer. An irresistible woman who chews and spits out men after using them for some sort of gain -- be it sexual, financial or...

- How To Speak English Like The Irish
By Benny Ready to learn how to speak with an Irish accent in English? You may also enjoy my article about how to speak Irish (Gaeilge). Check out the most popular posts on the right for other topics you may find interesting, and subscribe to the blog...

- Invictus - Nelson Mandela
"Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but...

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